Tuesday 16 November 2010

Return of the British wolf?

Since Britons first began clearing forests for settlement and agriculture five or six thousand years ago, many large native animals have been driven to extinction, including wild horses, aurochs (wild cattle), beavers (killed for food and/ or fur), wolves, bears and lynx (hunted because of their threat to game and livestock).

Monday 15 November 2010

Guillaume Faye's Archeofuturism

"The egalitarian civilisation sprung from modernity is now witnessing its last good days. We must now think about the aftermath of the catastrophe: we must already start developing the vision of an Archeofuturist world for the aftermath of the chaos."

The first English translation of Guillaume's Faye's Archeofuturism was published earlier this year. The book offers radical analyses and solutions to the problems of modernity, and seems as pertinent today as when it was first published in French more than a decade ago.